
Jun 2023

VeriPac Flex System Solutions for Nutritional Package Inspection

VeriPac Flex Systems for Nutritional Package Inspection

Packaging is a crucial aspect of the nutritional product industry, as it not only protects the product but also serves as a means to attract customers and communicate important information about the product. The packaging of nutritional products should be designed to preserve the quality, freshness and integrity of the product, while also being visually appealing, informative, and convenient for the consumer.

Nutritional product packaging can vary greatly depending on the type of product, its intended use, and the target market. Packaging materials can also play a significant role in the nutritional product industry, as they must be compatible with the product, safe for consumers, and sustainable. Some common packaging materials include plastic, glass, metal, and paper, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Most nutritional products are shelf-stable in nature; therefore, package performance is typically a concern. Chemical reactions occur naturally in all nutritional products. Any break or breach in the nutritional packing might lead to the products deteriorating due to air, moisture, and microbial exposure. Container closure integrity testing (CCIT) of nutritional products is vital to eliminating packaging defects and the possibility of product degradation. Read on to understand how PTI's VeriPac Flex Series guarantees the integrity of packaging for nutritional products.

Nutritional Package Inspection using VeriPac Flex System

VeriPac FLEX Systems are non-destructive inspection solutions for flexible packaging that deliver a clear PASS or FAIL as well as quantitative data that correlates to a leak rate. VeriPac FLEX Systems are available in several configurations for both the leak test instrument and the test chamber capacity to accommodate a wide range of package specifications and test sensitivity requirements, with solutions ranging from small format sachets and stick packs to very large bulk size pouches and bags.

They provide unparalleled sensitivity, reliability and practicality in testing a wide range of flexible package formats and is recognized by the FDA as a consensus standard for package integrity testing. The VeriPac tester is used to detect leaks in packages and is connected to the appropriate FLEX chamber based on the package size. There are several VeriPac configurations available with different leak detection capabilities depending on the application. The integrated flexible test chamber (IFC) is used for sachets or stick packs with low headspace, while the Drawer Style test chamber (D-Series) is available in sevearl standard sizes for other package sizes. Automated platforms for the VeriPac FLEX technology are also available for automated robotic handling of the pouches.

The VeriPac FLEX systems are unique in that they use a flexible membrane that conforms to the package shape and size, preventing stress and damage to the film materials. Multiple packages can be tested at once in a single test cycle. Custom designs can also be manufactured for large package formats and bulk products.

Benefits of VeriPac Flex Series
  • The test method is deterministic and quantitative.
  • It is non-destructive, non-subjective, and requires no sample preparation.
  • The method can test multiple packages in a single test cycle.
  • It is a cost-effective method that offers a rapid return on investment.
  • The method supports sustainable packaging and zero waste initiatives.
  • It simplifies the inspection and validation process.
  • The results are accurate and repeatable.
  • The method conforms to ASTM test method and FDA standard
  • ccit, package integrity testing, container closure integrity testing, flexible packaging

    Our technologies conform to ASTM and other regulatory standards.

    Packaging Technologies & Inspection

    PTI offers inspection systems for package leak testing, seal integrity and container closure integrity testing (CCIT). Our technologies exclude subjectivity from package testing, and use test methods that conform to ASTM standards. PTI's inspection technologies are deterministic test methods that produce quantitative test result data. We specialize in offering the entire solution including test method development and equipment validation.

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    Packaging Technologies & Inspection

    PTI offers inspection systems for package leak testing, seal integrity and container closure integrity testing (CCIT). Our technologies exclude subjectivity from package testing, and use test methods that conform to ASTM standards. PTI's inspection technologies are deterministic test methods that produce quantitative test result data. We specialize in offering the entire solution including test method development and equipment validation.

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    Our technologies conform to ASTM and other regulatory standards.

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