Evaluating the ability of the container closure system to provide a sterile barrier and prevent leaks resulting from contamination is a crucial step towards maintaining the safety and suitability of primary packaging. United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the driving forces behind container closure systems in the US, enforce strict regulations for Container Closure Integrity Testing (CCIT).
Traditionally, Dye Ingress and Microbial immersion were two popular methods to evaluate container closure integrity. However, they were probabilistic methods that lacked accuracy and provided subjective test results. In 2016, USP issued guidelines that they preferred deterministic test methods over probabilistic test methods. Examples of deterministic test methods include Vacuum Decay technology, Airborne Ultrasound technology, Helium Leak Detection etc. In this blog, we will discuss the role of VeriPac 355, which is a Vacuum Decay technology in testing container closure integrity.
CCI Testing Using VeriPac 355 Technology
The VeriPac 355 is a non-destructive technology based on the ASTM vacuum decay leak test method (F2338-09) and is recognized by the FDA as a consensus standard for package integrity testing. This micro leak detection system is applicable across a wide range of packaging formats and is specially designed to test containers for gas leaks for dry products (lyophilized vials, powder-filled) as well test for liquid leaks (non-protein based liquid-filled vials, prefilled syringes). The non-destructive nature of the technology allows it to be incorporated into protocols at any point in the handling process. VeriPac 355 technology's capability of detecting leak rates as low as 0.2 cc/min makes it an optimal quantitative test method for many pharmaceutical and food applications.
VeriPac 355 Working Principle
The VeriPac 355 leak tester is connected to a test chamber designed specially to hold the package being tested. Vacuum is then applied to the package inside the test chamber. Using a high-resolution absolute transducer technology, the test chamber is monitored for the level of vacuum as well as the change in vacuum over a predetermined test time. Although the test cycle takes only a few seconds, it produces accurate and non-subjective test results. The sensitivity of a test is a function of the sensitivity of the transducer, the package design, the package test fixture and critical test parameters of time and pressure. Test systems can be designed for manual or semi-automatic operation. This inspection method is suitable for laboratory offline testing and QA/QC statistical process control.
Inspection Criteria
- Measures seal integrity of entire container or package
- Tests for gas leaks for dry products (lyophilized vials, powder filled)
- Tests for liquid leaks (liquid filled vials, prefilled syringes)
Benefits of VeriPac 355 Series
- Non-destructive, non-subjective, no sample preparation
- Deterministic, quantitative test method
- Measures seal integrity of entire container or package
- Tests for gas leaks for dry products (lyophilized vials, powder filled)
- Tests for liquid leaks (liquid filled vials, prefilled syringes)
- Measures and verifies container closure system integrity
- Defect detection down to 0.2 ccm
- High level of sensitivity, repeatability and accuracy
- Short cycle time provides operator with PASS/FAIL result
- Small footprint and modular portable design
- ASTM test method and FDA standard
ccit, container closure integrity testing, veripac 355, cci technologies, package integrity testing